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Editing a live blog

After creating a new liveblog and embedding it to your website, you are ready to post!

Open the liveblog by clicking the blog in the dashboard. The screen is divided in three parts:

Write post: Here you can write new content for your blog.
Preview: Here you see a preview of your blog, useful to see what the other editors just wrote.
Social media dashboard: Here, the social media template you selected earlier, is shown. You can switch between the different sources by clicking the icons.

Write a post

A post consists of 2 or 3 elements: (a category), a headline and the content. The headline will be shown above the content, but can be left empty. The content can be written below the headline.

You can use the editor to make up your text. You can also insert a image ibn the text: Click "Image" above the editor, choose the image on your computer or smartphone and click "upload". The image will be inserted where your cursor is pointed.

You can also insert a social media element, such as a tweet or a video from a social network. Copy the link of the item and click the "embed"-button. Insert the link in the form and a preview of the embed will be shown to you. If you agree, you can insert the embed by clicking "embed" in the dialog.

The preview

Here, you can scroll through all the posts that have been published to your liveblog.

If you want to edit or delete a post, you can do so by clicking "message options" below the post.

Social media dashboard

In the social media dashboard, you can follow all the social media accounts that you have selected in a social media template. The following streams are currently supported:

  • Twitter: Shows the latest tweets of the selected usernames
  • Facebook: Shows the timeline of the selected usernames
  • Instagram: Shows the latest uploads of the selected usernames
  • Youtube: Shows the latest video uploads of the selected usernames
  • RSS: Shows the latest items on a website of the selected RSS feeds.