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Embedding your live blog in your website

Bloglive.Online easily integrates with your CMS-powered website. Feature-rich live-blogs can be embedded with one shortcode. For example, WordPress, Joomla and TYPO3 plugins are available.

For most CMS systems, being able to add html to web page is enough to embed a live-blog. Since BlogLive.Online works with JavaScript, you'll only need to add our liveblog script and a container where the timeline can be placed:

<script src="" liveblog="1" org="61"></script>
<div class="bloglive_posts"></div> 

Special CMS plugins are available for WordPress. This would make embedding a live-blog even easier, since the code to embed a live-blog to your website would only look like this:

[bloglive id='8']

For a custom CMS integration, contact our support team.